Events & Activities

Regenerating weekend in Berat: hiking, parties and fantastic food!

Enjoy the weekend in Berat amid the sounds of music from the 80s and 90s, tasting fantastic food and traveling through time and space over the UNESCO city. This weekend will have beautifully combined accommodation, dinner with a rich and delicious menus, party 80-90’s and dedicated staff. Nature walks, visits to characteristic houses and historical

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Snow Shoeing on Mount Tomori

Hotel Castle Park,Berat dhe Albania Rafting Group organizojnë një udhëtim fantastik në Tomor me fuoristrada,raketat e snow shoeing dhe dreken piknik.

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80’s Dance Party in Castle Park,Berat! Let’s Rock like it’s 1989!

Kthim në kohë me hitet muzikore të viteve ’80 Nuk ka si vitet 80. Ishte epoka e FLOKËVE TË FRYRA, HITET MË TË MËDHA dhe BIG FUN. Le t'ju kthejmë në “Party Like Its 1989” me një natë të mbushur plot me hitet më të mëdha nga artistët më të mëdhenj ndonjëherë, ndërsa Castle Park hap festën mes muzikës së Prince, Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, INXS, Bon Jovi, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston , si dhe shumë gjigantë të tjerë, ju do të kërceni dhe këndoni së bashku me të gjitha meloditë tuaja të viteve '80! Kodi i veshjes: Mos kini frikë të jeni të guximshëm me pamjen tuaj të viteve '80-‘90 PO... Hiqni pluhurin nga xhaketat e lëkurës, badit elastik dhe xhinset e ngushta, dhe bashkohuni me ne për natën më nostalgjike të viteve ’80-‘90
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Albanian dishes – Casserole with beans and dried meat

The bean is the source of proteins, as well as being a very tasty food that belongs to the traditional Albanian cuisine. At Hotel Castle Park Berat we serve it as a second dish in a clay pan and cook with dry onions, leeks, carrots, tomatoes, pure meat(Pastërma), olive oil and enrich it with different spices such as wild oregano, pepper, parsley and dill. This cooking can also be used to make different pastas such as penne or spaghetti for those who like it.
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The President of Germany Frank Walter Steinmeier in Albania,Castle Park hotel,Berat

"I couldn't imagine a better end to my trip to the Western Balkans than to visit the wonderful city of Berat. "Thank you for the wonderful food and your fantastic hospitality," wrote the German president in the impression book at Castle Park. And as it seems that the German head of state liked traditional Berat food, there was no shortage of local cuisine in Castle Park, even with the assessment that Berat cooking and hospitality are precious treasures. President Steinmeier tasted typical Berat dishes such as kulac, chicken with cucumber and walnut, local dairy, Berat olives, wild Budullak, meat and rice leek pie, roasted kid meat, kaposh with walnuts, Berat tabosh and other traditional dishes.
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The special women of Berat

Qyteti i  Berati ka shumë gra të guximshme,puntore dhe mbi të gjitha të drejtperdrejta dhe krenare për punën dhe familjen e tyre.

Më pëlqen shumë ti takoj sepse më motivojnë dhe më bëjnë të kuptoj se sa e rëndësishme eshte te jemi krenare per cfare kemi arritur deri tani. Po ju prezantoj me disa prej tyre:

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We celebrate the New Year in Berat, Hotel Castle Park

Are you thinking about where to celebrate the New Year? Don’t waste another moment – Hotel Castle Park is the gift for your loved ones this end of year. Imagine your family in a castle in the middle of the forest, facing the magnificent Tomori mountain, which is full of snow at this time. Inside,

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Explore Wine Tasting in Berat

Just 1.5 hours away from the capital, Tirana is a town called Berat. One of two UNESCO-listed historic centers in Albania, Berat is a must-see for history buffs and culture lovers alike. Known for its historic architecture, beautiful scenery, and traditional dishes, this historic town is also known for its wine tasting. With a great

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The Best Cooking Class in Berat, Albania You’ll Ever Have!

Get ready to roll up your sleeves and attend a cooking class in Berat, Albania where you will learn traditional Albanian dishes and some classic authentic Berati recipes, plus where they buy their ingredients. This cooking class is aimed at local and foreign tourists who are passionate about cooking and good food. This food experience

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Kayaking National Park Divjaka Karavasta Day tour

We offer a great opportunity to have a closer look at the amazing beauty of Divjake-Karavasta Park.  Visit this natural oasis of untouched nature and of stunning biodiversity, the biggest lagoon in Albania. With a surface of 22 230 ha, the park is home to the rare Dalmatian pelican and so many beautiful birds. A

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